Simple ideas to improve your lifestyle and wellbeing
Guided Meditations & Yoga
Here you will find different ways that you can support your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing
"You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we are not. We always have the power of our minds... claim and consciously use your power."
-Louise Hay I have tried and tested many modalities on my healing journey. Have a look and see which ones resonate with you the most.
Supplements can be used for many different reasons. Supplements can be used for treatment of conditions, or for prevention. Supplements are particularly useful for people with strict dietary constraints who may not be able to acquire nutrients from diet alone.
Herbal Teas
How satistying is it to come home on a rainy, cold day and warm your bones with a big bowl of soup? Here are some of my favorite soups and stews, suitable for beginners and more experienced cooks.
Self Care
I have found that prioritizing my self care has brought my overall health to a much more stable and balanced place. When you invest time into learning about yourself and what serves you best, it pays off in leaps and bounds.
Travel tips
Sometimes the hardest part is finding what to eat while traveling: whether it is by plane, a road trip or a camping trip. This section includes tips on what to pack in terms of food, supplements and snacks.